Family Photography

The Dog Days of Summer

Webster defines “dog days” as…

1 : the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere
2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity

My children would defy the second definition for sure.  I took the opportunity yesterday to take some shots of my children in action.

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As many of you know, I am a budding photographer.  The translation to that is, I take lots of pictures.  I am by no means a professional, and I am sure I make the standard fare of amateur mistakes.  Over the years I have come to realize that I have had two creative outlets that I have not fully developed.  One I exploit here with my writing.  The other one is with my camera.  I have yet to go to the next level and buy a full-blown dslr camera.  Mostly, it is the cost that has held me back.  To a smaller degree it is the little voice in the back of my head that nags at me saying such things as “There’s better ways to spend the money” or “Are you really good enough for one of those”.  One thing is certain, I would love to get my hands on something with more options than the little point and shoot I have now.

The photos above were shot with my Canon PowerShot A1100 and retouched using Corel Paintshop Pro x2.  Please feel free to let me know what you think.  I love feedback…it only makes the things I create that much better in the end.

By Mike Lemons

I'm a guy in his 50's who has been bumming around the net for years. I am married to a wonderful woman, and have 3 gorgeous kids.

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